Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Norwegian Wood, Truth and Fiction

When I was a young adult and still immortal, I worked in a resort town in California as a Dinner Cook. This small town had one radio station and it played the current week's top forty songs in a loop, sixteen hours a day starting Monday Morning, ending Sunday evening. It was piped through the restaurant. A new top forty loop started 08:00 on Monday morning when the radio station came back on the air to start its week.

One week, the radio station included an instrumental that I really enjoyed. I had no idea why there were no lyrics, and I didn't think it was top 40,  but it was a very pleasant song. The song I found out was by the Beatles, and its name was Norwegian Wood. Once I learned the title, I thought the song had been released some years earlier, but not being a Beatles fan, I was not really sure.

One of my co-workers, Hans, and I were talking about nothing important one afternoon when the acoustic version of the song Norwegian Wood came on over the radio.  I mentioned to Hans, I thought the song was a well done instrumental, and I wondered what the words to the song were. I asked Hans if he new the words to the song.

Hans started singing, "I'm just sitting here, here on this log, drinking my beer...."

I spent a number of years knowing only the first stanza - of an alternate version of the song, Norwegian Wood.

I learned a valuable lesson from that moment. When someone tells you something, it is not always true.

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